Residential Roofing
When it comes to your roof, we offer nothing but the best. That doesn’t just mean the highest quality, but also the best service with a company that you can trust. We offer the industry's leading roofing services including roof repair, roof installation, roof inspections, roof maintenance, emergency roof tarping, and roof damage assessments.
Roof Repair
Is your roof leaking? Do you need shingles replaced or installed? Or maybe you need a whole roof replacement!
Whether the need is large or small, Storm Guard will work with you to make sure the entire problem is fixed quickly and at the best rate. We know there is nothing more frustrating than discovering a problem with your roof and then dealing with slow service or hidden fees. Storm Guard offers peace of mind, for your roof and your wallet. Learn more about common causes for roof repair, solutions, and the average cost.

Have Recent Storm Damage?
Are you worried that your home or business may have roof damage? Storm Guard will complete a roof inspection and work with your insurance company to get your roof repaired. We also offer professional roof installation, roof maintenance, and emergency services.
Roof Damage Assessment
A roof damage assessment, not to be confused with a roof inspection, is done when you are filing a roof insurance claim. It’s important to hire a professional to help with these assessments so you get the right estimates and just compensation. The assessment will look at your roof, gutters, vents, windows, attic and ceiling. Storm Guard is your ally when it comes to working with insurance companies - we are dedicated to making sure your covered repairs are done right. Learn more about how to file a claim and what to expect during a roof damage assessment.
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Roof Types
Storm Guard is dedicated to transparency and accuracy and will help you get on the road to repair. Our team of professionals are here to help address your questions and concerns quickly, efficiently, and honestly. Check out all the services Storm Guard offers and learn more about the different roof types available.

Roof Types & Styles
You might think roofs are simple, but there is actually a lot of thought that goes into the design. There are many different types of roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles and different types of tile, as well as a range of roofing products and roofing styles!
Different combinations work better for different types of weather, have different maintenance requirements, and provide a different look for your home or building. Learn more about the many different roof types as well as the pros and cons of each.

Get a Free Estimate
A professional expert will meet you at your home to evaluate your situation and discuss the solutions available to you.

Schedule a Free Inspection
Our experts will advocate for you by performing their own inspection to help ensure nothing is overlooked.

Find a Location
To get started on your next project, use our zip code locator to find the nearest Storm Guard service provider near you.